As schools wind down and summer break begins for children across the country, many parents will be looking for fun, productive and cheap ways to fill their kids' time.

Throw in the words "ice cream," and many children will be interested at a moment's notice.

After a particularly delicious ice-cream outing with his young son, J.M. Hirsch of the Associated Press was inspired to think up a simple and tasteful ice cream recipe. What he came up with is both inexpensive and brilliant: Doctored ice cream. This involves buying a pint from the store, softening it and adding mix-ins.

"The beauty of this approach," Hirsch writes, "is that it lets you focus on the fun part. You also can turn it into a fun family activity in which everyone makes a flavor, then everyone can share and compare."

For Rice Krispies Treat Ice Cream, all one needs are one pint of vanilla ice cream, 1/2 cup of Marshmallow Fluff and three Rice Krispies treats. After softening the ice cream (either by leaving it out at room temperature for 15 to 20 minutes or by putting it in the microwave for 15 to 20 seconds), Hirsch suggests scooping the pint into a bowl. Mix the Marshmallow Fluff with the ice cream, then cut the Rice Krispies treats into small chunks and mix those with the ice cream.

After all the mixing is done, move the Rice Krispies concoction to a quart-sized storage container. Put plastic wrap on the surface and place in the freezer until it becomes firm (about one hour).

For two more quick and delicious recipes from Hirsch, see here.