In the spirit of Mets ace Matt Harvey, Redskins linebacker Ryan Kerrigan took to the streets earlier this week to ask a few fans about his team, the defensive line and himself. The results were almost nearly as amusing as Harvey's, with one fan professing his admiration for London Fletcher, despite Kerrigan's push to earn a compliment.

And like Harvey, no one seemed to recognize him, even one self-proclaimed lifelong Redskins fan who said Kerrigan was her favorite player, which was perhaps the best interview of the whole video.

Kerrigan: "What would you say to him?"
Random fan: "I love you"
Kerrigan: "I love you too."

Watch the video below and then join us in studying the media guides of every local sports team to avoid being one of these clueless fans on camera.

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Perhaps these fans were thrown off because they're more accustomed to seeing Kerrigan, who played in the Pro Bowl last season, dressed up as the sun in a TV commercial for a local window company.