Depending on your point of view, Penny Marshall is either a very trusting soul or the most naive person in Hollywood.

A noted NBA fan, Marshall was reportedly scammed out of thousands by someone who she thought was reality TV star Lamar Odom's personal assistant. Enjoying a Lakers playoff game last month, the actress met a man who gave her a song and dance about being Odom's assistant, before passing on what he claimed was the former Maverick's cell number.

Consequently, texting began between Marshall and someone she assumed was Khloe Kardashian's husband. Eventually one thing led to another and the man claiming to be Odom asked the actress most famous for her role as Laverne from the 1970's sitcom "Laverne & Shirley" for a loan. TMZ says Marshall ended up handing over $5,000 to the fake assistant.

Shortly after receiving the money, this Odom impersonator dropped out of site. Bothered by this development, Marshall tracked down the real Lamar Odom who informed the 69-year-old director/actress he doesn't have a personal assistant.

Marshall immediately contacted LAPD, which TMZ reports has since started a grand theft investigation.

-- Follow Ben Maller on Twitter @BenMaller.

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