Nobody had a clue what kind of loose cannons were working on Seinfeld back in the 1990's.

Jason Alexander, better known as George Costanza on the sitcom, released a long mea culpa over a comedy routine which included the "gay" parts of cricket.

Appearing on "The Late Late Show" with Craig Fergeson, Alexander told a few jokes about the bat-and-ball game.

"You know how I know it’s kind of really a gay game? It's the pitch,” he said before doing an imitation of the motion. "It's not like a manly baseball pitch. It’s a queer British gay pitch."

Cricket's been played since at least the early 16th century in England. Outside of America in countries such as India, Australia, Pakistan and New Zealand, the sport helps shape pop culture.

Alexander felt his bit was well received, only to receive negative feedback from homosexual fans on Twitter upset with the joke following the May 25 apperance.

"Troubled by the reaction of some, I asked a few of my gay friends about it. And at first, even they couldn't quite find the offense in the bit," Alexander wrote over the weekend in his 1,000-word apology according to Fox News.

"But as we explored it, we began to realize what was implied under the humor. I was basing my use of the word 'gay' on the silly generalization that real men don't do...refined things and that my portrayal of the cricket pitch was pointedly effeminate, thereby suggesting that effeminate and gay were synonymous."

The Hollywood Reports has the final portion of Alexander's apology:

"I can only apologize and I do. In comedy, timing is everything. And when a group of people are still fighting so hard for understanding, acceptance, dignity and essential rights – the time for some kinds of laughs has not yet come. I hope my realization brings some comfort,” he concluded in his statement.

Alexander is the second member of the Seinfeld cast to be involved in a controversy. Michael Richards, better known as Cosmo Kramer on the sitcom, apologized after racially abusing a pair of African-American hecklers in the audience at the Laugh Factory in Hollywood during a failed stand up performance.

-- Follow Ben Maller on Twitter @BenMaller.

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