Latrell Sprewell

Latrell Sprewell has made some poor life decisions. He turned down a three-year, $21 million contract with the Timberwolves in 2005, saying that he had "a family to feed" and Minnesota was shortchanging him -- but he never got another offer even close to that price range.

In the last decade, Sprewell also crashed his yacht, was barred from seeing his children and had two houses foreclosed on him.

Oh yeah, and in 1997, Sprewell choked then-Warriors coach P.J. Carlesimo.

Contradictory to all these points, Sprewell made the wise decision to participate in a recent commercial for Priceline that mocks his history.

The little girl in the commercial gets life advice from two sources, David Robinson and Sprewell. Robinson, who went to college four years and served in the U.S. Navy for two -- before becoming an Basketball Hall of Famer -- tells the girl, "The key to success is hard work and a great attitude."

Sprewell, by contrast, tells her that, "Success is just failure that hasn't happened yet." He then takes a fry off her plate.

Spree is looking pretty good nowadays. He's wearing a sharp quarter-zip and the TV makeup does pretty well for him. He looks nothing like the guy that came to practice with a two-by-four after feuding with Jerome Kersey.

Kudos to Sprewell for cashing in on a commercial while poking fun at himself.

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-- Follow Jeffrey Eisenband on Twitter @JeffEisenband.