Stephen Curry

It may be preseason, but the Warriors are already playing with big hearts.

On Saturday night, after the Warriors knocked off the Lakers, 112-107, in Las Vegas, the team met up with Gavin, an 11-year-old battling leukemia. ESPN's Arash Markazi captured Stephen Curry, Kevin Durant, Draymond Green and Klay Thompson hanging out with Gavin and his friends.

Bay Area legend Ronnie Lott, who won four Super Bowls with the 49ers, caught the Warriors' act of kindness.

For those concerned if the star-studded Warriors can be unselfish this season, their showing in Las Vegas is a positive sign.

They say what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas, but hopefully Durant and Gavin remember their secret handshake for their next meet-up.

-- Follow Jeffrey Eisenband on Twitter @JeffEisenband.